Gatherings Activities List A-C

Here are some ideas for events, places to visit and cooperative programs.  We will assist each branch location to develop activities that are best suited for their community.  Some activities don’t take very long, and that gives us the opportunity to offer two Gatherings in one day, this is especially important because younger children have a short attention span.  Also, two visits can benefit students who might not be that interested in one of the activities.   Team Leaders: ***Be sure to find out (check with parents) if any students have allergies or problems with plants or animals.

  • Animal Shelter and Humane Society and Pet Shops
  • Visit an Apple Store
  • Automobile Dealerships and Repair Shops
  • Boating and Marinas
  • Botanical Gardens
  • Bus Stations and School Bus Service
  • Business-Design to Retail
  • City Planning and Zoning, Learn about your local government
  • City Walks
  • Construction Sites
  • College Visits
  • Correspondence
  • Community Gardens
  • Concerts
  • Cooking Classes
  • Working with other Charitable Organizations
  • Comic Book Conventions
  • Cultural Festivals

Visit an Animal Shelter or Pet Shop: 

Animal shelters play a vital role in our communities as they continuously work to reunite pets with their owners, shelter those in need and find new homes for animals that are lost, without a permanent home or for those animals that, for our own security, shouldn’t be roaming our streets.  Most students have heard about animal shelters, but many have not visited them and don’t know how important they are to their community. This is an opportunity to also show them somewhere they can volunteer and help make their community a better place to live – while sharing the experience with students they don’t know.  The Program Manager can arrange with the shelter to offer an opportunity for students to help, even for just a few weeks and make sure they Mix-and-Match.  ***Be sure to find out (check with parents) if any students have allergies or a fear of certain animals.

At the New York Humane Society, George the swan was sick with a bacterial infection.  After receiving medical care at our hospital, he was able to return to his mate, Gladys, and the sanctuary.

It’s not just dogs and cats that you will find – – but you might want to ask your parents before adopting a horse, or another animal for that matter.

It’s a little know fact that Duck-Nosing is good for the soul.

Visit a Pet Shop

We don’t what to influence parents as far as getting a pet, but a great place for kids to have fun is to visit a pet shop and hold or pet the animals.  It’s a great short-time sharing experience, and the older kids, like Jana (with the pony tail) will love it too.  This could be one of several short stops on a Gathering event.  Check with parents before going to make sure it’s safe for their children.  You might speak with the owners before hand to make sure they are open to the “advisement”. 

***Be sure to find out (check with parents) if any students have allergies or a fear of certain animals.

Automobile Dealerships and Repair Shops:  

What teenager won’t be happy with a trip to check out the latest models?  This can be one of most educational events where students can learn about how to shop for a car and what to do if their car needs repairs or maintenance.  For older students it may be perfect timing to learn about which is a better value, new or used.  Car shopping is one of the most nerve racking experiences, especially if it’s your first purchase.  But, by visiting and seeing what is involved, the student will be more at ease and will make a better decision.  And it’s great for local dealers to advertise their showroom. 

It’s important for students to learn about car buying, repairs and maintenance.

Answer this for me: Why are culinary classes offered, even required, in most high schools, but a basic automotive course isn’t? Eating is essential for survival, but don’t most people rely on their cars for transportation to get to their job that pays for that food?

We rely on cars so much these days to take us to work and keep our families safe when traveling. How is it so many people drive a machine every day that they know so little about? In fact, 26% of Americans can’t change their own car tires. Shocking, isn’t it? School is supposed to prepare kids for the real world and workforce, but there are clearly a few missing links.  From

Companies like General Motors are proud of their progress in diversity.

Apple Store Visits

New York City Apple Store

This is a great Gatherings because it is personal and something many students have in common, almost 50% of people in the United States use an iPhone.  Take a group class at your local Apple Store, you can make special group appointments.  There are many offerings, we list a few below with a link to Apple.  

Unlike the original bite of an apple, that gave knowledge to Adam and Eve, with disastrous results, this Apple symbolizes our use of computers to obtain knowledge and enlighten the human race.

From an article in Linked In: Apple rightly recognizes that customers want a clean, simple interface when they go shopping.  Unlike every other store you’ve come across, Apple stores don’t push customers into a certain behavioral pattern.   One of the biggest reasons for the Apple stores’ stupendous success is that each store has its own set of Apple experts who can diagnose device problems within minutes.  Customers are given special classes to take them through using the product they own.  Other stores employ salespersons, Apple employs trained experts. 

While Apple is the name we all know, there are local tech stores that might enjoy teaching a class about products they sell to a group of potential customers.  Talk to the students and find out what they are interested in learning about and then match that with a store to arrange a visit.

Some classes we can share at an Apple Store:

They have quite a few classes and they are free.  They have special Group classes, which is perfect for Gatherings.  The first link is to the entire US store listing.  One you select your store, select  “Today at Apple”, review the class list or select the “Group” icon.  Sometimes these don’t seem to work very well and you might end up in another store – hopefully they fix the glitch.  It works better on an iPhone than a desktop.   

Photo Skills: Editing on iPhone:   Learn how to fine-tune your photos and videos using the Photos app on iPhone. We’ll show you how to adjust exposure, contrast, color saturation, and more to enhance your shot. Then you’ll add filters, crop, and experiment with fun effects. Get hands-on with the latest iPhone or bring your own. Recommended for all skill levels.

Skills: Getting Started with Mac:   Bring your Mac and join us for a 60-minute session. We’ll show you how to navigate your Mac, set up system preferences, and explore native apps such as Safari and Maps. Whether you’re brand new to Mac or just need a refresher, you’ll learn the basics and even discover a few of our favorite tips.

Skills: Personalizing Your Apple Watch:   Bring your Apple Watch and join us for a 30-minute session to learn how to use key features, manage notifications, and get familiar with the hardware. You’ll discover fun new ways to customize your Apple Watch by connecting to your favorite apps, setting up fitness tracking, and exploring watch face options.

Photo Skills: Photography on iPhone:   Create better photos and videos using iPhone. We’ll show you the latest camera features to compose a great shot. You’ll experiment with focus and exposure, practice using lighting effects, and even learn how to take your first slofie. Get hands-on with the latest iPhone or bring your own.

Coding Lab for Kids: Code Your First App:   Code and create as a family with Swift Playgrounds using iPad. Kids will experiment with code and design an app using the About Me playground. They’ll use Swift code to customize their app with fun fonts, background colors, Emoji, and more. Then you’ll work together to bring their app to life. Recommended for kids ages 10 and up. Devices will be provided.

Boating, Marinas, Lakes and Oceans

Being out on a lake, river or the ocean waters is one of the greatest pastimes that people have enjoyed for as long as time itself.  The warmth of the sun feels better when we are near water, the ocean waves bring a calming feeling and fishing in a lake lets us feel “accomplished” in a very humbling way.  The lure of the ocean has enticed story tellers and writers to chronicle the adventures of heroes and myths since recorded time.  Not all Branch Locations have access to the “watery world”, but if you are lucky enough to be there, sharing it presents a wonderful way to enhance the experience of being together.

The psychological benefits of being near water is a fascinating subject: why does it “feel” so good?

From The Guardian:  November 3, 2019 by Elle Hunt:  Blue spaces: why time spent near water is the secret of happiness:

a short excerpt from The Guardian – and this is where blue space seems to have an edge over other natural environments – water has a psychologically restorative effect. White says spending time in and around aquatic environments has consistently been shown to lead to significantly higher benefits, in inducing positive mood and reducing negative mood and stress, than green space does.

What a great feeling we share when walking by a sandy beach, a river in a park or what thoughts abound in a child’s  minds when they look out across a body of water?  We get in touch with our feelings and if we’re lucky, create friendships with people we just met.

Marinas and Boat Yards have many interesting sites to see; from drydocked boats that children can see and get close to and learn how much of boat is under water.  Maintenance and repairs are interesting, and how do they get the larger boats out of the water?  What a great way to find new customers, and share their love of the water.

Recent research shows people experience emotional, behavioural and psychological benefits of being near, in, on or under water, and while participating in activities such as boating. One of the leading researchers on the health benefits of the water is Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, Ph.D, a marine biologist and author of Blue Mind, the bestselling book on the scientific connection between water and happiness.

Business: From Design Shops to Distribution

Even the simplest product takes many steps before it becomes available for the market place.  Students will be interested in learning the steps it takes to bring a product to market.  From the the people who create and design; manufacture and distribute; and finally to the retailer who sells the product to the consumer – from brick-and-mortar to on-line sellers.   And remember a building is a product too, so visit the architect that imagined the structure and the construction workers who built it.

From Concept to Design to Catalog the product moves along, and then manufacturing, distribution and retail.

Find an artesian who makes musical instruments or a manufacturing facility building cars or parts for cars.

company, factory, production-186980.jpg
architect, business man, businessman-1816217.jpg

Botanical Gardens

A botanical garden or botanic garden is a garden with a documented collection of living plants for the purpose of scientific research, conservation, display, and education.  They inspire us to understand and care for our environment.  Students learn best when all their senses are engaged.  They can see the variety of sizes, shapes, and colors that nature offers.  Touch the different trees and see the vibrant colors and smell the flowers, every sense is engaged, and children can share this wonderful feeling with each other.  Take a tour or attend a lecture and learn about stewardship, respect, and responsibility for the world around us.  Hold discussions afterwards and review what they saw and talk about what “we” can do.   Find out if there are activities or clubs in the schools that relate to the visit, there could be a tie-in.  The teachers might welcome the experience and
use that as part of the curriculum.

At the New York Botanical Gardens, Bronx, NY you might see some very strange and wonderful things. 

Botanical gardens are staffed with professional landscapers, scientists, archivists, naturalists, beekeepers, or master gardeners. Part of many botanical gardens is a robust program of community education that may include demonstration gardens, public lectures, and even classes in subjects like botanical painting, composting, food forests, pruning, companion planting, bee keeping, or medicinal herbs.  While these classes are aimed at members and locals, you might be able to participate in them when visiting the garden.  Check the events page of the botanical garden’s website or call ahead with the dates you plan to visit, to see what might be happening during your visit.  Find out if there are activities or clubs in the schools that relate to the visit, there could be a tie-in.  The teachers might welcome the experience and use that as part of the curriculum.  (From joybilee farm:

Denver Botanic Gardens is a great place to learn, and it’s very close to the city.  And like many gardens they offer free days, and group discounts.

Bus Stations and School Buses

Public Bus Stations – and School Bus Yards:  Buses have been around for a long time.  The first bus line started in Paris in 1662, with horse drawn carriages serving up to eight passengers.  The word omnibus is derived from Latin, meaning for all.  Today we enjoy the benefits of public transportation, such as buses, as they help reduce congestion, pollution, you don’t need to find a parking space and the cost of travel is much less.  Buses, subways, trains, and other public vehicles are designed to make life easier for everyone. From improved community health to affordability, public transportation systems create the foundation on which cities become more livable and prosperous in a variety of ways.

In 1828 between La Madeleine and La Bastille in Paris, the first omnibus service started. The word was coined after the name of a hat shop in Nantes called Omnes Omnibus where the first bus line terminated in an early trial. The word omnibus is derived from Latin, meaning for all. The name stuck and the word bus is now recognized in the majority of languages on earth.

Learning about a train station prepares the students for the time they are asked to travel by train.  They are more comfortable and can take pride in knowing about the station and where to go to the right tracks.  The same is true for subway systems, as my children learned about the NYC systems and found it a great way to get around the city.

From The Boston Globe: Creator David L. Ryan/Globe Staff  Credit: David L Ryan, Globe Staff

When children learn about what takes place behind the scenes of providing their bus transportation to school, they will become more appreciative of the people who provide such a valuable service.  

Denver, CO Train Station

Bus Tours are a Great Way to see your City or Town

What makes a Bus Tour Worth It.

  • You get a broad of the city and then you decide what interests you the most
  • You find out facts that would otherwise take time to find
  • The tours usually are designed to meet the interests of the most people
  • You find sites that you didn’t think you would find interesting
  • A good guide will offer facts that are not well known
  • Usually, the tour guide is not driving and can concentrate on talking, and entertaining questions
  • Use the Hop-on Hop-off bus to visit the sites you find the most interesting

To learn more about Bus Tours select the Bus button

School Buses are the Safest Vehicles on the Road

Many factors prevent bus accidents. Even distracted drivers can’t help but notice a huge yellow bus with flashing lights.  The school bus’s reputation for safety may seem strange, given the absence of student seat belts on board. But the reason is simple: science. The height of the padded seats and their distance from each other can actually absorb the impact from any collision better than seat belts could.  Have you ever wondered why the school bus is yellow? Many people might think that red is a more suitable color, like with a fire truck, since a red vehicle just screams “Watch out!”.  The color of a school buses is chosen for safety, and yellow, not red, is in fact the most attention-grabbing color.

26 million students every school day

Where do School Bus drivers “pick up their buses”?  Find out and make this an activity.  Most students take the yellow buses to school.  They are part of our daily lives, but what do we know about them.  Who plans their routes, where do drivers pick up their buses and who are the drivers?  Talk with the drivers and let the students hear what their day is like.  Did you know school bus drivers are the most highly trained, tested, and scrutinized drivers on the road.  Let the students hear what their day is like and what training they have had.  They drive over 480,000 school buses, delivering over 26,000,000 students every day- and that adds up to 62 billion miles each year!

Charitable Community and Faith-based Events

Working with other charitable organizations is a wonderful way to expand the activities we offer to our students.  Partnerships are wonderful ways to expand the view of adults, as well as children.  During the year our places of worship and the towns we live in have events to help the poor, such as food and shelter assistance, and clothing drives.  We think of Thanksgiving as the time when religious organizations offer meals, either in house or delivered, but these programs are offered all year round.  Weekly soup-kitchens are available in many larger communities.  At Christmas time Police organizations may have a toy drive for underprivileged children, or the local supermarket might collect food for the poor.  Students can participate in so many ways – help collect or distribute items, sort the donations, organize the process with the charity leaders.  The students and parents get to know people who care about their community, and what motivates them.  They will learn how to organize and manage large or small events.  This is an excellent group activity for students, and parents too.  Sharing the Joy of Giving might be the best activity for students to share with children-of-a-difference. 

help, kid, charity-1265227.jpg
Gift giving at holiday time.  The joy students will feel when they see the smiles on young children’s faces.  It is something they will never forget. 

City Planning and Zoning Board Visits

Students can learn how government decisions by meeting with commissioners in different local government departments.  When you decide to visit town departments, find out when the next few meetings will take place, because they might even be invited to sit in when hearings are taking place. .  What better way to learn about community, government workings and at the same time pique the interest of students to learn more about ways they can improve their neighborhood than to see “government in action”. 

City Walks

Whether you live in a large city or near a small town there is a history and a story to be told that will interest students, especially the older ones.  Find a historian, professional guide or maybe there is a member with a great knowledge of the area who could talk about the sights and sounds as you go for your walk. 

To prepare for your City Walk, connect with some small local businesses and make arrangements for a backroom “tour”.  It’s great for the store owner to show off his product or service and the students will learn more about where they live and the people who work there.

Construction Site Visits:  

For older students.  There is a construction boom going on in many parts of the country and children will enjoy learning how a house or office is built.  Construction has a positive impact on your community, providing jobs, housing and government income that supports community necessities such as fire departments and schools.  Arrange with the builder for a guide to escort you and the students around the site.  For safety, be aware of Hazards, they can be on the ground, like those that cause slips, trips, and falls, or in the air such as equipment coming into contact with electrical wires.  Wear protective gear, safety equipment is worn for a reason. 

We love taking our grandson to this site, where he can watch the machines working, but also see the progress as the hill, which was a safety hazard (falling down with dead trees and bushes) is removed to make space for a new building.  After seeing the site, he plays with is toys and has a “real” sense of what a steam shovel and bull dozer can do.  Note: I found the Rock Smasher to be amazing, as it broke up the large rocks so they could be moved to another construction site.

College Visits: Local Colleges: 

Older students are already thinking about college, and many are going to visit several schools during the selection process.  Our visit is not to replace their plans, but to offer our students a general view of how a school operates in terms of meeting some of the administration staff and hearing what their job is like and why they enjoy what they do.  Visit a classroom and let the teacher explain how college classes are different than high school classes.  This is a wonderful way to introduce college life to younger students, even before they begin to think about going to college.  Perhaps alumni from the community would like to go along and offer their stories about college life.  This person’s connection is always more interesting than listening to a stranger talk.

University of CA at Berekely

Correspondence Letters – the New Pen Pals:

We’re not looking to establish a long term connection between students and other people, but to let them experience the joy and good feeling when they brighten up someone’s day.  Writing, even in the computer age is still a valuable skill.  This is an excellent opportunity for students to reach out beyond their home boarders and learn about other places and people.

Correspondence, Military: 

Our overseas military personal might feel taken for granted and estranged by the average American.  We can brighten their day by sending them letters, telling them how much we appreciate their sacrifice and how important their mission is to us (make it personal).  What a wonderful way for students to learn about what being a soldier is like and how important they are to our safety and wellbeing.  The National Editorial Committee will assist in the establishment of this activity.

Correspondence, Nursing Homes: 

This can be an exercise for students to learn how to create a relationship with someone they have never met (a good skill to have in their future job).  By establishing a relationship with an elderly person in a nursing home, the student will learn that everyone has value, even “an old person”.  I know from my mother’s experience how much she and her nursing home friends appreciated letters from “home”. It may be hard for children to understand, but to the elderly, all children are part of their “family”.  Even writing about what they do each day, that may seem trivial to the student, is interesting to the elderly.  It takes the elderly out of the home and into the world, through the eyes of the young.   The National Editorial Committee will work with the students to get started.

Editors Note: We are currently looking into Pen Pals for kids and other international organizations that match children from various counties.  Such as Kids for Peace, Global Pen Pals and  International Pen Pals.

Community Gardens

Community Gardens have become so popular over the last ten years because they bring neighborhoods together and provide “cleaner” food at a lower cost.  Each branch might set up a small committee that would specialize in Gardens.

Have you found yourself admiring the community gardens in the neighborhoods where your friends and/or family reside? Wish you had one in your community? The prospect of starting a garden is not as daunting as you may think. Without question the rewards of being involved in a successful community garden from the ground up (literally) is well worth the effort. The pride you’ll feel, and everyone involved, is incomparable.

According to the USDA, community gardens are growing in popularity, usually in urban areas, which benefit the people caring for the garden.  In our case it is the students who will benefit.  Gardening will bring students and communities together, offer a good workout, and provide tangible success that can be shared with other students, their families, or a local charity.  The fruits and vegetables can also be a great fund-raising activity, either as a one-time vegetable stand or on a weekly basis at a farmer’s market.  The garden teaches committee work, responsibility and connecting emotionally to others.  It gives the students and parents an opportunity to spend time together in a wonderful and rewarding experience. And there are emotional benefits when you garden as a family, experiencing the joy of watching a seed grow into a plant from everyone’s efforts.

 Present your ideas to the local Government bodies that preside over these endeavors.  There might be some red tape involved before you hammer the wooden stakes into the dirt, so be sure to get it out of the way as soon as your committee has been formed. Most municipalities have some sort of community garden information resource in place so the first thing you should do is search for such information online as it directly relates to your city or town.

Concerts by Local Professional Artists: 

A wonderful way to bring students together is to bring a professional musician to the school for a performance.  We’re not suggesting a major artist because the cost would be prohibitive, but a local performer, someone with roots in the community.  Many students have gone to concerts with huge audiences, but we could offer a small venue where the performer can connect with the audience on a more personal bases.  And it would be great advertising for the performer.  Perhaps someone in the community knows an artist or two that would be interested, and this would be a great opportunity for a local business to sponsor the event.  The committee should make sure the local news outlets know about the concert so they can report the event in advance, making sure the sponsor is mentioned.

To reduce the cost, find another school or organization that would like to attend and share the expense.  Having students from both schools or organizations arrange several fund-raising events to contribute to the concert costs.  This is also an opportunity to Mix-and-Match the students.  Of course, the Fund-raising Committee is there to oversee the efforts, and would be glad to assist with the negotiating for the performers.  Let the students participate in the arrangements, perhaps forming a small committee.  This would offer the students a chance to learn about the entertainment industry.

Cooking Classes - for Students of All Ages

Learning how to cook is a wonderful relationship building experience, not only student to student, but student to Team Leaders.  Bringing kids into the kitchen can boost their self-esteem, build their knowledge, and lets them bring home some new ideas the family can share.  In many parts of the country there are people who offer cooking classes as their business.  This offers them a chance to contribute to the community and advertise their business.  Parents might want to join.  What better way to advertise than to become a member and then to be a sponsor of the event?  Mix and Match families is a wonderful experience for everyone involved.  Some schools may even have cooking classes offered as part of the curriculum.  Find out if arrangements with the class teachers to Mix-and-Match classes the students.  This is an easy way for teachers to help with our program, while adding no additional work.

Comic Book Shows and Conventions

Comic Con in San Diego, CA
Super Hero’s and Super Villain’s, kids LOVE the Magic they bring into our lives

You don’t have to be a comic book, movie, or sci-fi fan to appreciate the sheer size of this massive gathering. Comic Con originated in San Diego and continues to draw about 130,000 people annually to enjoy workshops, special screenings, interviews, autographs and so much more in a convention format.  We don’t suggest anything so elaborate as this, but it does give you an idea of the potential.  And town councils and mayors would love to have such a wonderful event to promote the area and might be willing to help fund the event.  Include the students in the planning of the event and let them attend to some of the companies or people that are displaying there. 

As superhero movies and tv shows continue to grow in popularity these gatherings are popping up all over the place.  Look for nearby locations, this one in Syosset is in a Public Library.  The rising popularity of comic events across the globe is propelling the market growth. Over the years, the convention has hosted an incredible variety of comic book and book publishers. Comic-Con International has continuously introduced various artists and their work to a wider public for more than 45 years.  More than 100,000 people attended Comic-Con in 2022.


This is a Great way to spend time with the parents.  Why not invite them to join the excitement and spend time with their children, and meet like-minded parents in their neighborhood.  They provide extra supervision and can see firsthand what Gatherings are all about.  Team Leaders should review the program and the Mix-and-Match concept beforehand with each parent.  Look for local conventions and small comic book shows in your area.

There are gatherings of comic book enthusiasts in almost every state:

  • There will be another Comic-Con in Fairbanks, Alaska in February 2023.
  • Steel City Con 2023: Monroeville Convention Center, Monroeville, PA 15146
  • Steel City Con 2023: Monroeville Convention Center, Monroeville, PA 15146
  • Raptor Con 2023: Vanderburg 4H center, Evansville, IN 47725
  • Charlotte Comicon 2023: Concord Convention Center at Embassy Suites, Concord, NC 28027
  • And in March 2023, at the Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, HI 96815
  • And earlier this year, November 2022 at the Century II Convention Center, Wichita, KS 67202
  • For more events:https:  //

New World Comic-Con Oklahoma 2022 took place at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds. And Elvis says he will be back next year!

Sy-Con will be back in September 2023 at the Syosset Public Library, NY.

Cultural Festivals and Celebrations:

Editor’s Note:  When I see people enjoying themselves at a cultural celebration I want to join in and share the fun.  If you think your heritage is important enough to celebrate, people will want to know more about your heritage.  We all like to be happy, we all like spending time with people who are in good spirits.  When students participate in the cultural celebrations of others they will want to learn more and that is the start of understanding and acceptance.  

We offer these events as examples of places to go if you live nearby, but also as examples of what you can create in your community.  It just takes a little imagination and a lot of cooperation to dream-up your own festival.  It doesn’t have to be huge, just a dozen displays, to get started.  Local businesses can showcase their products and people might discover something of interest in their neighborhood they didn’t know existed.  Each year the event will grow and who knows how big it could become.   Take a look at the Festivals page for some ideas of places to visit and to see examples of some very successful events.


Cultural Festivals of Different Heritages: 

What is the importance of celebrating culture?  These events foster respect, understanding and a desire to know more. People celebrating feel a sense of pride in their heritage.  It’s another shared experience that breaks down the barriers we hold inside and opens us up to acceptance and even friendships.  When we understand other’s perspectives, we broaden our own and educate ourselves about not only their heritage but our own, by a living example.  And in most cases, it turns out we are not so different.  This is another example of Pride and Respect by Association.

We can Do Anything we Set our Minds to Do!

Image the effect of a  festival that would celebrate many cultures and traditions.  Our members, with the help of the mayor, community leaders and school administrators, could put together a multi-cultural street fair, where students can offer food and wear clothing of their heritage.  This could become a fund-raising event for some community project.  It is a wonderful opportunity for parents to participate, educating their children about their own heritage – – and to collaborate with other parents so the children can “learn by example”.  Some students or parents can play music, in a small group or by themselves to add to the festivities. The town should be asked to waive any licenses or fees to show their support of the program.