Suggestion Form for a Story That Inspires

When it comes to creating a story that is meant to inspire our students, first think about what they will want to read and learn.  What will they find interesting.  Many people have fantastic life experiences they want to share, and this is your chance to help them.  Remember these are stories to inspire – not to brag or write a shocking story. These are accounts of remarkable people that have contributed to their town or community in significant and positive ways. The person might be a relative that lived a long time ago or is still active today.

After reviewing your submission we will contact you for more information, if needed, and send you the application form.  We may need some further details to make the story “searchable” in our database.  If you would like, our editors will be glad to help you present your story.

Some possible ideas:

  1. The town’s founding fathers.
  2. Who started the little league or coached the school team.
  3. Someone who started an important business.
  4. A teacher you had that influenced your, or other people’s lives in a significant way.
  5. An unsung war hero, or someone from the fire or police department.
  6. Did a local resident move away and made an impact upon the country or the world?                                
  7. Take time to write some thoughts down and think about the idea again.  If you still find it interesting, then you have a good idea.  Remember we are looking to inspire our students, so think about it from their point of view.  How were they affected by this person?