Do you know of someone who has made a significant contribution to your neighborhood or perhaps the world, that has not received the recognition they deserve?  It could be a relative, town founder or, fireperson  or school teacher.  They might not even realize how important they were.  We would love to help you surprise them.  Your  suggestion will help to bring joy and pride to many people, and we greatly appreciate your ideas.  We will respond to you after review and let you know our opinion, we may need more information before deciding.  

If you would like to submit a name please complete the form below.  We will review your application and let you know what we  think and if we need more information.   You can read our Terms of Use page for more details.  We look forward to hearing from you, thank you.

Bobby, Frank and Carl will review your submission and Kay, wearing the blue shirt, will check for accuracy: they are very picky.  Remember to follow our rules of submission because Cathy, orange shirt is very strict and might reject your entry for being out of line, and we know in school following instructions is very important.

Grammar and spelling are very important too, so Sandra, wearing the overalls, will be checking and she is very fuzzy fussy.