
  1. School Hours Should Equal Work Hours
  2. Police Relations
  3. The Need for STEM Education
  4. Equalize School Funding

The Need for STEM Education

As seen on The Business Roundtable’s website: September 15, 2022


A skilled workforce is the cornerstone of economic competitiveness. And yet, the United States is failing to develop the talent U.S. businesses need to compete in today’s global economy.  The goal of our education system is to impart the foundational skills and knowledge needed to succeed in work and life. But in an economy that looks vastly different than it did 20 years ago, a traditional approach to education is struggling to equip students with the skills in the most demand among the nation’s leading businesses. 

Continue reading in the STEM Page

Police Relations

As a country we need to find ways to bring law enforcement and citizens of all races together and reestablish the trust and respect necessary to ensure equal justice for all; because without equal justice there can never be Peace and Prosperity for all our citizens.  Every officer will tell you they believer this with all their hearts.  We don’t offer “training, education classes or documents to read” because that would be ridiculous and insulting to everyone.  Our intent is to offer a way of bringing our (they are part of us in mind an spirit) police officers and community members together and get to know and understand each other, much in the same way that our Gatherings program operates.

In the spring of 2020 America experienced what happens when People-of-Diversity feel the only way to express themselves is through physical action.  Protests filled our streets and that led to riots in response to what was witnesses by video, the unprovoked attacks upon Black Men by violent Police actions, which culminated with the murder of George Floyd on May 25.  The response was immediate and dramatic, Black and White, all ages, genders and religions were protesting (and rioting) against Black treatment by the Police.  People wanted answers – what action should be taken?  Defund, Retrain and Re-educate the police!  Mandate Diversity in the police force were offered as a solution – but none seemed to lead anywhere.  Communities have serious unresolved issues with our police.  We believe an interactive program like ours is the best way to heal the wounds of the early 20’s.  Let 2022 be the “New Beginnings” of respect and trust between community and police.  We can work with the Police Athletic Leagues from all over the country and help restore what has sadly been lost.

It is one thing to train officers on fighting crime. It is a whole other thing to train them to build friendships and relationships, which are integral to fighting crime. This takes time, effort, and patience on the part of police officers.   Rahm Emanuel