
School Hours Should Equal Work Hours

School Hours Should Equal Work Hours

Why do school hours end two hours before the work hour?  Without considering the affect on the poor, we destroy the future of their children, especially single parent households and those where both parents work.

America wastes millions of dollars by leaving schools empty while transporting students to other locations for after-school programs, creating a new industry that can only be accessed by wealthy families (these programs can cost as much as $1,500 per month. 

We discuss the reasons why and what actions can be taken to correct this decades-old inequity. 

Please select the School Hours button to learn more about this problem.

We need to Stop the Madness!


Chairman Howard Comen – Looking Forward with New Projects:

August 28, 2022:  After a long delay because of COVID, working with the Charleston County Board of Education to bring an improved school experience to 11 specific underperforming schools, that have a  predominantly black student population. We continue to work with Charleston SC Global Equity and Opportunity Alliance to help with the education process which will specifically target the needs of these students.
We hope to inspire students in these underperforming schools to excel as early as elementary school and  bring them closer to achieving their hopes and dreams by developing pathways to good better job opportunities. 
Howard summarizes his thoughts in this email sent to our various partners who support this effort: September 10, 2022:

I have had a very good meeting with Superintendent of the Charleston County Board of Education Mr. Kennedy. Hershel and Dr. David Ehrenkrantz made excellent presentations to the Superintendent. He is under fire by his board for firing some staff in his attempt to change the education model. He feels, we need to teach how to teach reading to teachers. He said, and my wife Michelle (schoolteacher herself), agrees universities do not teach how to teach reading to teachers. We all three agree if our young people in grades K- 3 can’t read, they will continue to slip away fueling this School-to- Prison Pipeline as they advance underperforming in all grades.

I introduced our team to him and am hoping that Commissioner of Education Mr.  Edelblut in New Hampshire will see we are serious and agree to send letters to all the Secretaries of Education in the US a request to join a discussion with Faith, Labor, Business, Education, Medicine, and the Law in their state to identify these problems and develop solutions.  We also need to impress those candidates running for office to join the fight. In the spirit of this need I seek to impact the election on Nov 8th.  I have communicated with Nathan Robinson of US Representative from South Carolina’s 6th District James Clyburn office and Carol Swan and Tanya and Bob Woodson of the Woodson Center ( Republicans) to join the dialogue.”

If you would like to learn more about our work in South Carolina, contact Howard using the “Contact Us” button:

We Support the United Nations  “Permanent Forum of People of African Decent”.

One August 10, 2022, the 193-member body unanimously adopted a resolution establishing the United Nations Permanent Forum of People of African Descent, a 10-member advisory body that will work closely with the Geneva-based Human Rights Council.

The new Forum will serve as a consultation mechanism for people of African descent and other stakeholders, and contribute to the elaboration of a UN declaration – a “first step towards a legally binding instrument” on the promotion and full respect of the rights of people of African descent.

Further, it will work to identify and analyze best practices, challenges, opportunities and initiatives to address issues relevant to people of African descent as highlighted in the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, which was adopted 20 years ago at a landmark UN summit against racism and discrimination.

einstein, physicist, scientists


May 22, 2021 ADR-NB is working in Charleston South Carolina to add to the work of this very worthwhile program

Carol Tempel ( CCSD Administrator retired ) and George Tempel ( MUSC retired Professor) Professor Meta Van Sickle ( C of C Professor) developed the Scientist in the Classroom program under a 5 million dollar grant. I would like to redevelop this with them. The program brought ten middle school classes and MUSC Grad students together in a semester-long program.